Mayan Numbers


MB Mayan Astrology Suite

MB Mayan Astrology Suite determines your Mayan astrology zodiac sign, Mayan numerology sign and mayan astrology tarot reading. This program gives you a detailed interpretation of the sign you belong to in the Mayan zodiac, your Mayan Day Number / Galactic

MB Mayan Astrology

MB Free Mayan Astrology Software determines your Mayan zodiac sign from your date of birth. This program gives you a detailed interpretation of the sign you belong to in the Mayan zodiac, your Mayan Day Number/ Galactic Number, your characteristic traits,


MB Ancient Civilization Astrology

MB Ancient Civilization Astrology is a simple and user-friendly interpretation software which is a combination of softwares based on Egyptian, Celtic Aztec & Mayan civilizations. Each of them has an advanced zodiac system which helps find out your zodiac

MB Mayan Numerology

MB Mayan Numerology generates your Day Number based on your date of birth. This is based on Mayan principles. Each number in the Mayan calendar is associated with a name and certain characteristics. The numbers are also referred to as tones. MB Mayan

National Numbers Number Plates Toolbar

The National Numbers Number Plate toolbar is a free tool that gives you quick, easy access to number plate information direct from your desktop. The toolbar helps you search for registration plates, value personalised number plates, and browse for private

Create Random Numbers software with random integers and random floats

Create unique random numbers, from random integers to random floats with this uniqur random number generation software.

MB Mayan Astrology Birth Chart

MB Mayan Astrology Birth Chart generates your birth chart based on Mayan principles. The different glyphs in the specific positions have their own importance and effects on our lives. The Mayan birth chart is similar to the natal chart generated in

MB Mayan Animal Sign

MB Mayan Animal Sign finds your Mayan animal sign from your date of birth. Each animal of the Mayan zodiac is attributed with different characteristics which are reflected in your personality.

MB Mayan Astrology Compatibility

MB Mayan Astrology Compatibility generates your compatibility based on the Day Sign and Galactic Tone of the two persons. This is based on Mayan principles. Mayan Astrology is based on the interpretations of Mayan Calendar which was one of the advanced

MB Mayan Astrology Tarot

MB Mayan Astrology Tarot is a divinatory software that gives your tarot reading with the help of the Mayan Astrology glyphs. The different directions have different significances in the generated reading. This reading can help your prepare yourself to

MB Angel Numbers

MB Angel Numbers interprets the messages from your angels that you keep seeing in the form of repeated numbers. These number sequences hold special meaning in your life if you are able to interpret them. MB Angel Numbers offers you the scope to get an

Fax Numbers Book  v.1.0

The Fax Numbers Book is a program that allows you to store a list of fax numbers.

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